Kalichem S.R.L.
Via G. Pastore, 1
Botticino Sera (BS) 25082
Kalichem Italia S.r.l. is active in the cosmetic sector and specifically in the production of raw materials used to develop cosmetic products. We specialize mainly in the research, development and production of cosmetic ingredients for cleanising and beauty skin care. Our ingredients are of vegetal origin, have a low impact on the environment, are from renewable sources and are easy and safe to use. They are delicate, dermocompatible and have an organic activity similar to the physiological activity of the skin.
Geographic sales distribution:Europe and USA
- Cosmetics/Personal Care Ingredient Supplier
- Cosmetic Ingredients(Actives, Formulating aids, Hair Care, Skin/Body)
Articles & News
Webcast & Events
OLIVOIL Emulsifiers & Surfactants
Oct 4th, 2023
Hair & Scalp Care Solutions
Oct 19th, 2022
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