Plant Stem Cells for Anti-aging and Skin Rejuvenation: A Review

Plant stem cells have the ability to self-renew, which means they can create new stem cells to replace those that have been lost or damaged.
Plant stem cells have the ability to self-renew, which means they can create new stem cells to replace those that have been lost or damaged.
Image courtesy of Look! at Adobe Stock

Skin aging is associated with the denaturation of proteins and reduced function of regenerative stem cells.1, 2 In terms denaturation, while numerous internal and external factors contribute to skin aging, UV radiation is the most significant factor. Exposure to UV induces the formation of free radicals that damage the skin's lipid barrier, resulting in the degradation of unsaturated lipids in the intercellular cement and altered fibrillar protein structures such as collagen and elastin. Additionally, physiological malfunctions, such as impaired epidermal exfoliation and tissue regeneration, play a role in skin aging.1, 3

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