Symrise's SymEffect UV Boosts Sustainable SPF

“Consumers are increasingly asking for highly effective sunscreens and daily moisturizers with integrated sun protection that also protect the environment,' said Martina Issleib, global product manager functionals at Symrise.
“Consumers are increasingly asking for highly effective sunscreens and daily moisturizers with integrated sun protection that also protect the environment," said Martina Issleib, global product manager functionals at Symrise.

Symrise's new SymEffect UV natural SPF booster reportedly increases the effectiveness of organic and mineral UV filters.

Category deep-dive: Sun Care's 2023 Glow Up

The in-vivo-tested booster can reportedly address the challenge of manufacturing SPF sunscreens with high concentrations of UV filters by enabling manufacturers to achieve higher protection at the same UV filter concentration in a product.

The ingredient can be incorporated into the oil phase of creams and lotions, per Symrise, and is well-suited for incorporation into emulsion-based cosmetic products with sun protection factors, including beach products, daily face creams and care products for children.

“Consumers are increasingly asking for highly effective sunscreens and daily moisturizers with integrated sun protection that also protect the environment," said Martina Issleib, global product manager functionals at Symrise. SymEffect UV was shortlisted for the Innovation Zone Best Ingredient Award for the functional category at in-cosmetics global 2023. "With SymEffect UV, our customers can effectively increase the sun protection factor in their products. We support them in creating sustainable and plant-based sun care products with this synergistic mixture based on natural ingredients.” 

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