Patent Picks: Skin Maintenance

As of August 2007, Cosmetics & has begun featuring collections of patents issued within recent weeks for your consideration. Chosen by C&T magazine's technical editor, Bud Brewster, for their relevance to personal care, the patents covered are written up in briefs to include information such as: the application category such as hair, skin, or antiaging; the patent number; the company to which the patent is issued; and any additional description available.

These patent briefs are be taken from publicly available sources, collected and presented to you for your convenience. Following is an example of a featured patent on a means of maintaining skin...

July 26, 2007
Methods, systems and compositions for skin care
The present invention describes systems, methods and compositions for treatment and maintenance of skin. The invention includes a skin care system that addresses the problems of skin aging and inflammation. The invention further includes skin care systems, methods and compositions containing active ingredients that may inhibit matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) or that may inhibit inflammatory processes of cells, prevent moisture loss, improve skin tone (or firmness), stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, decrease the breakdown of collagen and elastin, and prevent damage to the skin caused by environmental factors.

What do you think? Do you like this new feature? Please send us feedback - we'd love hear more!


For more information on patents and intellectual property, check out the book Patent Peace of Mind by Louis C. Paul and Anthony J. O’Lenick .

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